Definition of Done

Along with the Definition of Ready, the Definition of Done is one of the fundamental states defined within the Agile software development life cycle. The Definition of Done is the soul of the entire Scrum process. The definition explicitly identifies a User Story “done state”.
The Definition of Done defines a common terminology to be used between all members (internal and external) of the team. Once defined, no one ever has to ask if something is “DONE-done” ever again!

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Proper CRUD

I used the following page as a guide:

REST Endpoints

The basic principles discussed in the article are similar to Ruby On Rails standards.

Here is also another site I used as a reference: Continue reading

Definition of Ready



  • Definition of Ready Definition (DoR)
    • A checklist of conditions that must be true before a product backlog item is considered ready to pull into a sprint during sprint planning.
    • The criteria applied to every Product Story
  • Never pull anything into a sprint that is not ready, and never let anything out of the sprint that is not done.
  • Definition of Ready, defines story “ready state”; needs to meet some criteria before it can be picked up for a sprint.
  • Does not mean story is 100% defined with zero unknowns
  • Follow a checklist

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GitHub Commit Message Standardization

heisencat.pngA while ago at work, I found myself looking at a pull request and I realized that my commit messages were weak and did not properly convey the intent of the change. This was a weakness, writing meaningful commit messages, I often found myself needing to improve upon. At work, I wrote an email about this back in September.

Just as code should be self documenting, outlining a best practices for commit messages will do the same for pull requests.

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Utilizing OpenShift To Deploy a Web Application


Early in my career as a web developer, I wanted to be able to demo my personal projects. In the last few years I found a platform as a service (PaaS) provider called OpenShift (

For a web developer, creating the application and running it locally tends to be easy. The tricky part comes in when you want to show others what you have done! OpenShift provides a 100% free solution to this problem.

This blog post will walk a user from account creation through application deployment in a step by step process.

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RESTful JSON Web Service – Jersey (v1.19)


20 Feb, 2015

I started out once again looking into AngularJS. This time, the goal was to integrate some CRUD operations using either $http or $resource.

AngularJS $http
$q is the angular promise library

AgularJS $resource
Most Single Page Applications involve CRUD operations. If you are building CRUD operations using AngularJS, then you can leverage the power of the $resource service. Built on the top of the $http service, Angular’s $resource is a factory that lets you interact with RESTful backends easily. So, let’s explore $resource and use it to implement CRUD operations in Angular.

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